sexta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2007

Configurando eDev10 para usar Web Services

Caso você esteja com problemas em configurar o ambiente eDeveloper 10 para uso de Web Services, segue um roteiro explicando como configurar.
Utilize a versão 1.5.0 do Java JDK.
1. Environment Variables:
When typing "%WASP_HOME%" in "Start->Run" you should navigate to the SSJ directory that was created by eDeveloper 10 installation.
When typing "%JAVA_HOME%" you should navigate to the installed Java directory along side SSJ (if you didn't have Java when installing eDeveloepr) or to another location if Java was installed before eDeveloper, in this case you must make sure you have JDK version 1.5.

2. In the %WASP_HOME%\lib directory you should find many JAR files (among them edevSSJ.jar and edevRequester.jar).

3. After you create the service entry and load it (at the moment you can't reach this) you should have a new JAR file under "Magic directory/SoapClientModules/Service name".

You can identify the JAVA version by opening the "ReadMe.html" file located under your %JAVA_HOME%.

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